The Hellibubs
The Hellibubs
Hellingly Community Hub, The Drive, Hellingly, Hailsham, East Sussex BN27 4EP
01323 449415
Hellingly Community Hub, The Drive, Hellingly, Hailsham, East Sussex BN27 4EP
01323 449415
There are a range of activities during the week for different age groups, including Children & Families, Youth, Young Adults, Men & Women, Growth Group & Prayer, Music, Christianity Explored, Special Services.
01323 442410
Various activities on various days in and around Hailsham at various venues includes the Friday Night project, Monday Youth Club and The Square Youth club.
The Square Youth Cafe, 1 Market Square, High Street, Hailsham
The James West Community Centre, Brunel Drive, Hailsham
Hellingly Community Hub, the Drive, Hellingly
Contact name: Andy Joyes
Caters for school years 7-8 and 9-12
The venue has access for people in wheelchairs.
01323 843377
Events, adventures and regular meetings empower girls to be their best and become confident women. Held at various venues around Hailsham, Chiddingly and Wartling.
Contact: Alison Sylvester
Contact Address: Dell House, Arundel Close, Hailsham
Groups catered for: Girls, young ladies, adult leaders, Trefoil
Rainbows 5-7, Brownies 7-10, Guides 10-14, Rangers 14-18, 18++ Leaders / Trefoil members / supporters
Tel: 01323 841770 / 07704704477